Wednesday, April 25, 2007


This is an urgent cry for help. I wanted to start blogging the lives of my sims because I was inspired by the many talented sim bloggers out there (ie. mandie, mao, and kara). Alas I am too scared to even make my first post. I have had problems with my computer too. I almost lost my pixel dollies when my computer crashed. I am writing this to ask for help. I want to overcome my shyness and fear. Please post comments if you have any encouraging words.

Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Erika! It's okay to be scared! When I first started my blog, I was scared to death that nobody would like me! Or that people would think what I wrote was stupid. But trust me, it doesn't work that way. I have found that everyone in the Sims 2 blogging community is extremely friendly and helpful! As long as there are pictures and words, people will love your blog!

Not to mention the fact that everyone gets better at posting as time goes by. Look at some of the biggest blogs. If you look at their very first couple of posts, and then look at their most recent posts, you will see a huge improvement!

My advice: really take some time to read other people's blogs that have been around for awhile. Look at the things that make you think "wow, this person is a great blogger" and learn from them! That's what I did. Had I not done that, my pictures would still have walls down and plumbobs in them! Not to mention the fuzzy picture quality. Hehehe.

Also, join some great forums. People are always giving advice and helping others. If you have a question about blogging, just post it there and you'll get an answer lickety-split!

But above all, just have fun! Once you make that first post, you'll see that there's nothing to worry about! Trust me!